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Anatomy of a Disciplinary Hearing (2014)

Old iMIS Number:



4.0 MCLE Credits in Ethics

In New York, disciplinary matters are confidential until the Appellate Division renders a decision publicly sanctioning an attorney for misconduct by imposing a censure, suspension or disbarment. Thus, the actual disciplinary process is a mystery to most attorneys; they remain in the dark as to what to do and what may happen when faced with a complaint, an investigation and charges alleging misconduct.  Using video from an actual publicized Arizona disciplinary hearing as a point of reference, this panel of ethics and professionalism attorneys will explain the disciplinary process and the applicable procedural rules setting forth the trajectory of a case from inception through the hearing process. They will also reference the New York Rules of Conduct, the New York Rules of Court, precedent, and bar advisory opinions to examine the conduct of lawyers.