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Basic Matrimonial Practice (2013)

Old iMIS Number:


Basic Matrimonial Practice (2013)

Recorded Monday, October 21, 2013 at Concierge Conference Center, New York City.  This archived webcast is a video online program that you will view and listen to on your computer screen.

6.5 Total MCLE Credits (3.0 Professional Practice; 2.0 Skills; 1.5 Ethics).  Newly admitted attorneys (less than 24 months) CANNOT receive New York MCLE credit for online programs.

This full-day practical skills program is designed for the newly admitted attorney or the attorney seeking a fundamental but practical overview of handling a matrimonial matter. The program consists of six major topic areas which shall each be taught through lectures coordinated with the comprehensive materials. At the conclusion of the each lecture, there will be a brief Q&A period, where the experienced matrimonial attorneys will respond to questions from the audience.