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Ethical Considerations for the Solo Practitioner 17 (Audio Only)

Old iMIS Number:





0.5 MCLE Credits
0.5 Ethics

Topics to Be Discussed Include:
Cutting-Edge Ethical Considerations for the Solo Practitioner 
·  What Exactly Is the “Practice of Law” and When Is It “Unauthorized”?
· When Clients Cross State Lines: Doing Legal Work in Jurisdictions Other
   Than New York
· Current Ethics Opinions You Should Know
·  “Reader, Advisor, Barista, Attorney at Law”: Combining a Law Practice
    with Other Sources of Income
·  Can You “Crowdfund” a Law Practice?

Clifford R. Ennico, Esq. | Law Offices of Clifford R. Ennico
Carol Schiro Greenwald, Ph.D.  | CSG MarketingPartners

NYSBA Member: $22.50
Non-Member: $122.50

Program Co-Sponsors
Law Practice Management Committee
Committee on Continuing Legal Education
