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Ethics 2016: Evolution of the Rules of Professional Conduct

Old iMIS Number:


Total Credits: 4.0 Ethics
Since the new Rules of Professional Conduct replaced the former Code of Professional Responsibility in 2009, the State Bar’s Committee on Professional Ethics has issued over 200 formal opinions. Many of these address new ways of promoting and providing legal services.
The program will examine changes in forms of practice, business development, fees and other kinds of compensation, lawyer advertising and a host of other matters touching upon client confidentiality and conflicting interests.
You will hear about these changes directly from members of the Committee, as well as leading lawyers, ethicists and disciplinary counsel. 
Topics to be covered include:
• Business Development
• Advertising and Solicitation
• Conflicting Interests
• Confidentiality
• Disclosure of Client Misconduct
• Litigation: Recent Issues
…and much more!

