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Forensic Accounting and Valuation/Matrimonial Matters 2017

Old iMIS Number:


Total Credits: 3.0 Professional Practice
This all-inclusive training in forensic accounting and business valuation provides an inside look to what a forensic accountant does and how a business is valued. The program is a one-stop source of tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies used by experts applicable to virtually any large or small matter that deals with or requires forensic accounting or business valuation. The Program content is designed for attorneys who want a better understanding of what a forensic accountant can do, examples of fraud schemes uncovered and how they were uncovered, documentation that is critical to prove wrong doing, different types of valuation methods, and when each type is applicable.  Also covered will be other types of analyses including separate property tracings, life style analysis, appreciation in value, and tax considerations in matrimonial matters.
Harold Deiters, III
