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Human Resources (HR) Issues for the Solo or Small Practice17

Old iMIS Number:





1.0 MCLE Credits
1.0 Professional Practice

Topics to Be Discussed Include:
· What Types of Staff Members Should You Hire?
· When Is the Best Time to Hire?
· How Can You Create a Competitive Competition Structure You Can
· What Types of Incentive Programs Can You Put Into Place?
· How Will You Manage Your Team?
· Partner, Employee or Contractor – Which Is Best?
· What Legal and Tax Responsibilities Do You Have as an Employer?
· How Will You Deal with the Affordable Care Act?

David DePietto | NexFirm LLC
Chintan V. Panchal, Esq.  | RPCK Rastegar Panchal

NYSBA Member: $45
Non-Member: $145

Program Co-Sponsors
Law Practice Management Committee
Committee on Continuing Legal Education


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