MCLE Credits 4.0: Professional Practice 2.0, Skills 2.0
This experienced panel will discuss the everyday practical aspects of litigating a case that involves piercing the corporate veil. In addition to explaining the current state of the law in this area, the panel will collaboratively discuss the detailed thought processes inherent in piercing litigation. Including whether to file a veil piercing claim, when it should be filed, whether mediation, arbitration, or litigation is best, what court and venue the case should be filed, and how to use motion practice and discovery as tools to achieve the best result.
Topics Covered:
• Corporate Existence and What Does it mean to Pierce the Corporate Veil
• Individuals and Business Entities Can Pierce the Corporate Veil
• Court, Arbitration, and Mediation: Deciding Where and How to Right the Wrong
• Litigating the Veil Piercing Case
• Motion Practice and Discovery
• Views from the Bench
• You won, now what? Collecting on your Veil-Piercing Judgment