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Microsoft Word for Lawyers (2016)

Old iMIS Number:


Total Credits: 7.0 Skills
Carefully crafted model documents and templates are critical for most practice areas. They help prevent malpractice, increase profitability and are a primary method for transferring knowledge to others in your firm. This program will show you how to find the best of what your firm has created in the past. You’ll learn the rules for consolidating your intellectual capital into usable templates. Learn about the spectrum of automation tools demonstrated from the amazing things your word processor is already capable of, from simple Word functionality to document assembly applications like HotDocs. For document-intensive and transactional areas of practice, improving drafting speedand accuracy directly impacts the bottom line while improving client satisfaction.
A. Legal Drafting Methodologies
B. Drafting Legal Documents Using Templates
C. Reducing Drafting Errors & Controlling Staff Work Product
D. Commercial Drafting Systems
E. Forms Practice
F. Automating Your Document Drafting: Advantages & Pitfalls.
Topics include:
• The important differences between templates and documents
• How to build your best content into intelligent, annotated templates
• How to incorporate the high-end functionality of Microsoft Word into your templates so they are effortless to edit
• Automation options from the functionality built into Word to document assembly programs like HotDocs

