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Mortgage Foreclosures and Workouts (2014) (Audio Only)

Old iMIS Number:



7.0 TOTAL CREDITS: 2.0 professional practice; 4.5 skills; 0.5 ethics

This program will present a practical “nuts and bolts” approach to New York’s judicial mortgage foreclosure process. Each step of a foreclosure action, including pre-commencement review of the mortgage documents, the notice of pendency, the pleadings, motions for summary judgment, for appointment of a referee to compute, and for judgment of foreclosure and sale, and the foreclosure sale itself, as well as post-sale proceedings, will all be discussed. Particular attention will be focused on the New York State requirements with respect to all foreclosures upon homes, enacted in December 2009, including the pre-foreclosure 90-day notice, mandatory settlement court conferences, and required notices to tenants. 
