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New York's Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013 (2014)

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1.5 Total Credits: 0.5 skills; 1.0 professional practice for all attorneys.

New York’s Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013, signed by the Governor on December 18, 2013, has been called the most extensive revision to New York’s Not-for-Profit laws in over forty years - many bar and professional groups had long advocated for this meaningful reform.

Proponents claim that the Act will: 1) eliminate redundancies and improve state regulatory practices, 2) lower operating cost for charities and reduce incentives for them to incorporate in other states, and 3) help nonprofits thrive in New York by reducing government “red tape.” Critics worry the changes may create new burdens in non-profit operations.

This ninety minute webcast will review the major changes wrought by the Act of which practitioners should be aware.