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Persuasive Writing for Lawyers (2010)

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In this three hour presentation, Judge Lebovits shares easy-to-remember and simple-to-understand methods of persuasive writing that can make a difference in your next court case. Full of practical advice, this course will show how to make every word count and how to make a court want to rule for you.
Program Contents

• Elements of a Winning Brief
• How to Write Clearly and Ethically
• Using the Right Organization and Style
• Legal Writing Do's and Don'ts
Program Speaker
Gerald Lebovits
, author of the “Legal Writer,” a column in the New York State Bar Association Journal, is a judge of the New York City Civil Court, Housing Part, in Manhattan. Judge Lebovits is an adjunct professor at St. John's University School of Law, where he teaches appellate advocacy and Moot Court. For many years, he has been a faculty member of the New York State Judicial Institute, where he teaches skills and substantive law to New York State judges. For 18 years Judge Lebovits taught at New York Law School, where he received the Law School's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Total MCLE Credits 3.0
Ethics MCLE Credits0.5
* Each additional person who uses the tapes for MCLE credit must purchase a copy of the “MCLE coursebook.”
The product type below that starts with the letter 'V' is a video online program that you will view and listen to on your computer screen. The program code for each topic that you write on the included MCLE Form only appears on the screen and is not announced by audio.