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Strategic and Organizational Planning (2010)

Old iMIS Number:


Charting a law firm's course is essential in a turbulent business climate. Peter Giuliani and Teresa Schiller will provide you with the necessary information for developing a law firm strategic plan. Topics for this program include:

- What is Strategic Planning?

- What Does a Strategic Plan Look Like?

- How Do You Organize the Planning Process?

Co-sponsored by the Committee on Law Practice Management of the New York State Bar Association and the Association of Legal Administrators, NYC Chapter.

Total MCLE Credits 1.0
Ethics MCLE Credits 0.0

The product type below that starts with the letter 'V' is a video online program that you will view and listen to on your computer screen. The program code for each topic that you write on the included MCLE Form only appears on the screen and is not announced by audio.