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Superior Legal Writing Workshop (2014)

Old iMIS Number:



6.5 TOTAL CREDITS: 5.5 Skills, 1.0 Ethics

In this workshop, William Bernhardt addresses the fundamentals of superior legal writing using specific examples based on actual legal writing submitted by participants. Bernhardt discusses various possible approaches for achieving maximum clarity and persuasion. He covers  common writing errors; the pitfalls of legalese; the importance of strategic issue-framing; capturing a reader’s imagination; building a bulletproof argument; giving your work focus and direction; the critical importance of tight editing for clarity and impact; and creating a compelling story that best represents your client.

William Bernhardt spent ten years as a litigator and partner at one of Oklahoma’s most prominent law firms. After his Ben Kincaid books consistently hit The New York Times bestseller list, he left the practice of law to write and teach writing full-time. Bernhardt holds a Master’s Degree in English Literature.