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Traditional and New Trends in Trade Book Publishing (2015) (Audio Only)

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3.0 MCLE Credits in Professional Practice

Program Topics

Traditional Trade Publishing Basics: Business Models, Contracts and Other Legal Issues

The first panel will provide an overview of legal and business issues that arise in the context of traditional trade book publishing. Areas to be discussed include: the relationships and contracts that exist among authors, agents and traditional book publishers; highlighting key clauses in agent-author agreements; author-publisher agreements; and author-collaboration agreements. The panelists will also cover deal points related to motion picture and television option agreements.

New Trends in Book Publishing: E-Books, Self-Publishing and Other Developments

The second panel will focus on new and evolving publishing business models that have gained prominence over the past several years, especially e-books, self-publishing and subscription and other new services. A discussion of issues related to the grant of rights, including electronic rights, and the royalties payable for the new uses, in new and older author-publisher contracts, will be included. The panel will also look at business and legal issues in the self-publishing space, including services offered, upfront fees, rights granted, royalties, technical formats, and distribution channels. 



Alternate Options

Traditional Trade Publishing Basics (Audio Only)
Original Program Date: 06/12/2015
New Trends In Book Publishing (Audio Only)
Original Program Date: 06/12/2015